Happy Mother's Day!!!!

To all YOU mommas, to those with littles running around, to the new moms, to the old moms, to the moms with infants, toddlers, middle schoolers, to the moms with kids college bound, to those moms who have become grandmas, and great grandmas, and great great grandmas, to the mothers in heaven, and the moms who have a little bit of heaven in their heart, to the moms who have children in their arms, and the moms who have children only in their hearts, to the adopted moms, to the step moms, to the moms who have littles growing inside, to the first time moms, and the twelve time moms, to the struggling moms, and the pinterest moms, to the stay at home moms, and the working hard moms, to the moms we know and love, and to all those mom we see walking around us.

You are special.
You are loved.
You are so very important.
Today is that special day we get a little extra credit. But we all know that every day is Mothers Day. Every day, 24 hours a day, we do our best to be a Mom. We love every single bit of being a mom, yet we struggle and have hard days as well. But we are all just doing our bestest. And thats ok. We are all amazing!

This Mothers Day has been kind of filled with a variety of emotions. I get to snuggle and kiss the 5 year old boy that I have here beside me. My heart yearns for that sweet little boy flying above me. And I feel the overwhelming excitement and joy of feeling the wiggles and moves of the little one growing inside of me.
These three littles are my world. They are the ones who have made me the Mom and woman I am today and I am so very grateful for that.
So today is for all you Moms. Have a good one, no matter what kind of mom you are.
Much love from MommingStrong.